EDU2022 Teaching and Learning with Technology in Classrooms

Course Calendar, fall, 2007
JUDY BARFORD, BB2205,  581-7885
roster section 1
roster section 3
 *Student Web work will be in progress throughout the semester.
EDU2022 project page template -- use for linking of projects, descriptions, and explanations.
Section 001, MW 8:00 - 9:15, Section 003, MW, 1:00 - 2:15 Buzzard Hall, Rm. 1430

Course Assumptions for pre-service students of technology in support of K-12 curriculum:
1. continuous upgrading and practice of personal skills with various computers available at EIU;
2. continuous thinking of personal and professional applications for technology;
3. timely completion of all assignments;
4. engaged class participation, or Web logon, understanding that course project completion depends on out-of-class practice and application;
5. significant communication with classmembers and professor electronically and in class discussion;
6. diligent use of  EIU lab technology resources, software, manuals;
7. knowledge and responsibility for the contents of instructor emails, syllabus, calendar, packet, WebCT account, LiveText account, and textbooks.

Great Resources for use throughout EDU2022

***Terrific On-line Tutorials for many programs you will use plus many other carefully assembled links for teachers and parents
      from T.Hongrell, technology  director, & teachers at Pocantico Hills School. Scroll to the lower right for the tutorials link.
***On-Line Tools for Classroom Use from Kathy Schrock.-- calendars, puzzlemakers, certificates, rubrics, maps, etc.
       See also Kathy Shrock's complete guide for educators. Regular updates.
***Endless On-Line Tutorials from Internet4Classrooms. Step by step help for every program used in this course,
       however, not each is updated for the latest versions of the software.

Do your own search for tutorials by software name and version.  Link these to your Resources page, if your finds are helpful.

Dr. Robert Fowler's HOTLIST FOR EDUCATORS (EDFS 326, Technology for Teachers, College of Charleston, South Carolina -- regularly updated and captioned for all subject areas and grade levels.)

LiveText open labs for students  ~~ times tba

 Course Calendar
Date by Week  Topics and Activities -- also see projects template  Resources Due
Course overview, lab policies, tech survey, interviews and presentations of current class computer favorites   eiu logins and passwords
Lucas video and notes.  Definitions. Your EIU pen server account. 
purchase: flash drive for coursework, course packet,  LiveText account
Shelly Cashman, 
Chapter 1

for links to important skills our students need to comprehend online formats see this article:
working password

flash drive
course packet

How schools are using the Web  Links to schools   Finding Composer.  Writing your EIU  index page, saving to flash, posting to your pen account, using WinSCP.  Looking ahead to the resume project.
Composer Tutorials
resume handout from EIU Career Services
Write your EIU
index page -- first draft
Individual Reading
S/C selected chapter report
Creating internal and absolute links with Composer. 
Making changes.  Using refresh in FTP.
Using Reload in Navigator/ Explorer to show re-postings. 
Continuing the resume project according to the EIU Career Services format.

tutorials as above, plus

Netscape Composer Hints&Advice

for reading and writing with technology see
index.html posted

What is .pdf -- its advantages.  Looking ahead to the sites-in-use project.
Searching for teacher resumes.
searching strategies from UC Berkeley
Dr. Fowler's search engine list
See also your new LiveText site.  LiveText models.
Shelly Cashman
Chapter 2
resume handout from EIU Career Services
post the resume as .pdf
w. a link to a helpful site about teacher resumes

Individual Reading
S/C selected chapter report

Continue sites-in-use according to course projects page description.
Look ahead to the Curriculum Theme assignment .
Select a theme and begin searching.  Smart Research from NoodleTools. Save sites by creating a Sites-in-Use page to use as an electronic closet or file drawer throughout the course.  Post (FTP) this page.
course packet: essential questions
S/C Chapter 2
Making Changes tutorial
post Sites-in-Use page 

Individual Reading
S/C selected chapter report

Explore school sites.  Find children's work posted on the Web in the subject area and at the grade level of your choice. Reflect on the uses you see for technology using examples from your findings.. Recall S/C chapter 1. Write a short essay on how technology is supporting learning, as you see in the children's work online. See further guidelines in the projects page. 
Roblyer pp. 47-54 in packet
See Education World's Featured Teachers

McKenzie, J. (1998) Grazing the net: Raising a generation of free range chickens. Phi Delta Kappan. [online]

Post the Technology in Classrooms page
Individual Reading
S/C selected chapter report.
Assure that your graphics and images are free or that you have obtained permission from the copyright holder to use them.
Give credit to your graphics sources.

Great resources!   from Pocantico Hills School., for SmartBoard, podcasting, creating your Web page, continuing to work on your curriculum theme EQ.

Create a personal page using digital and scanned photos which you choose as appropriate.

Review for midterm. Technology History and scientific milestones
Roblyer, pp.21-24 & 33-38  in packet
from Dr. Fowler:
Web images / link coming soon

Computer History (see also S/C Ch. 1)

History of technology and computing handouts    S/C Chapter 1

Study for midterm,


Fun with Microsoft Word. Page design with Word Art, images, tables, and columns. Newsletters, labels, book plates, business cards.
Integrating MSWord with PowerPoint -- more easy projects from Tammy Wooster 
S/C Chapters 3 & 4
Fewell/Gibbs, Ch. 3

Create a labels page

Create a sound file for your page according to the tutorial in your packet.  Create a podcast using Audacity software for your creative project. 
Assistive Technology, South Carolina
S/C Chaper 5
Link and post
sound file
Midterm exam


Select a curriculum theme on a social/global justice issue.
Re-read the project description and components.
Web site evaluation

MovieMaker, PhotoStory, and KidPix groups organize for
creative project relevant to curriculum theme

See Henking School Kid Pix presentation (Technology link)
must view  in Explorer, not Netscape

Packet: Essential ?'s
& Site evaluation
S/C 7

Post rationale for theme and site evaluation

MovieMaker, PhotoStory, KidPix teams plan to create and present 
Create a concept map for your curriculum theme with 
Inspiration software 
File-export your conceptmap to your disk as a .gif file.
Import the map as an image to your Project 7 template page.  a sample concept map
Turning Point demonstration
sample in packet Post concept map

Use Excel and the Graphing Wizard for a mathematical analysis related to your curriculum theme. Add 4 questions to your htm file to help children to draw conclusions from the data regarding the curriculum theme. Example w/o questions.
2005 data of the State of the World's Children
packet sample of data
and graph
Fewell/Gibbs, Ch. 5
Post graph

Begin LiveText  document

The field of computer ethics. Topics and issues. Project guidelines and criteria for points are in your course WebCT account. ** Be sure you have your password from Student Services for the WebCT server.  This password is different from your password for the pen server.  For threading the discussion -- distinguish between the Compose command and the Reply command.
S/C Ch. 8
Posting to the Course WebCT discussion of issues in computer ethics
WebQuest, Web Inquiry Project evaluation.  Use the rubric in your packet and linked here. Apply each category of the rubric to your selection of an exemplary WebQuest or WIP.
On your Web page, create links to your Inspiration concept map and to your graph of data analysis as it closely applies. List selected  ISTE standards, and Illinois content standards for technology which are met through your selected WQ/WIP.  The standards are on the Web and in your course packet.
WebQuest links and samples
packet article Molebash & Dodge 2003

see also: Web Literacy and Critical Thinking

Evaluate a WQ/WIP related to your curriculum theme on a social/global justice issue.  See projects page instructions.

Post evaluated WQ link for curriculum theme w. links


Presentations.of creative projects
Study guide for final exam
LiveText submissions 

S/C Chapter 6, esp. theorists whose work has contributed to constructivist teaching and learning

Recommended article: David Jakes "Not Your Father's PowerPoint"
creative projects
Attach your Web page URL to your LiveText document

 *** Final Exams  as scheduled, 
section 1 --  Monday, Dec. 10, 8:00 a.m., 
section 2 -- Tuesday, Dec. 11, 12:30 p.m.

receive graded course
submit course evaluation

Model student EDU2022 Web pages
Steve Keepes-England
Amy Gostomelsky, Jaime Voss, Kalee Reinoehl
Dennis Zeke Johnson

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