Copyrighted by Ann Hawthorne

Written By: Kurt Ramsey

Edited by Brian Spraker

Dear Journal, I had a very eventful day today. I woke up at seven' o' clock A.M. to the sound of the breakfast call. The breakfast was horrible as usual. Pete, our cook, made pancakes that were hard and burnt. About half an hour later I had to get dressed for my morning task. We all had new tasks to accomplish today. My usual task was to take care of the laundry but now I have to take the trash out every morning. Before Ted and I went outside, we had to put on the proper attire. I had to put on four pair of socks, a pair of thick boots, and a wool hat. A large coat and a couple pairs of pants also had to be put on.It took me twenty minutes to collect all of the trash. Then the other scientists and I went to the neighboring island to study and track the Adele penguins.While we were there we saw some skuas flying overhead. We were able to tag five penguins with a tracking device. Boy do those penguins smell! There were some sea lions on the far side of the island eating. We got the little research done that we come to do while we were on the island. When we got back it was about time to eat lunch. Pete had made grilled cheese and soup.To my amazement it was actually pretty good (I think he had some help). Today for my after lunch movie we all got to watch True Lies. I thought it was awesome. I got a little bit of rest while watching the movie. After the movie about two' o' clock I went to the lab to finish up my experiments with the live krill. The two tests that I have wrapped up today were their reactions to heat and cold. The temperature was set at 50F. The krill quickly swam away from the heat source and after about two minutes they began to die one by one. Then in another tank the temperature was set at -50F. In this tank the krill seemed to love the cold and swam towards it. At about four' o' clock P.M. we saw a pod of whales. Oh they were magnificent! Supper was O.K. We had a green bean casserole with mashed potatoes. I am very pleased with the progress we have made with our experiments. I now just can't wait to get a good night's sleep.