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English 1091: Alternative Media Student Survey

Answer the following questions the best you can. Cut and paste these questions into a blank page on a computer; answer them by typing answers below each question; print out the entire result (questions with typed answers below each one); then. on Tuesday, September 2, turn in your answers anonymously—DO NOT write your name on your answers. If you can’t answer some of the questions, it’s okay to leave those questions blank. Other students in class will NOT be able to connect your answers with you.


1. Do you buy any recorded music? If so, where do you buy it? Do you ever feel suspicious of those who sell and/or produce the music you buy? If so, why?

2. Where do you hear (or read or watch) about the music you like and/or buy? Do you think these sources limit or shape your preferences in music? Do you think there might be types of music out there that you don’t know about, but would like if you heard them?

3. What does the term “alternative music” mean to you? What would you say this music is an “alternative” to?

4. Do you listen to any music that could be considered an “alternative” to what most of the people around you listen to? If so, describe this music, and how it is different.


1. Do you buy or rent any movies? If so, where do you buy or rent them? Do you ever feel suspicious of those who sell and/or produce the movies you spend your money on? If so, why?

2. Where do you hear (or read) about the movies you like and/or buy? Do you think these sources might limit or shape your preferences in movies? Do you think there might be types of movies out there that you don’t know about, but would like if you saw them?

3. What does the term “independent film” mean to you? What would you say these types of films are “independent” from?

4. Do you watch any movies that could be considered an alternative to what most of the people around you watch? If so, describe such movies, and how they are different.


1. How much effort do you make to keep up with current events? How often do you do so, and with what main news sources? (Please name any particular newspapers, TV channels or programs, radio programs, Internet sources, or other news and opinion outlets.)

2. What do you think are the most important, pressing issues America faces today?

3. Do you think that that it is proper for a government to disseminate propaganda to its own people during a time of war?

4. Do you think the current administration in Washington has disseminated propaganda to the American people? If so, can you think of any possible or probable examples?

5. Did Saddam Hussein help carry out the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001?

6. Why did the United States go to war against Iraq this year?

7. Why do suicide bombers and suicide terrorists decide to kill themselves and others?

8. Recently, the Bush administration took the unusual step of advising the Supreme Court to decide against race-based affirmative action preferences in college admissions (the Supreme Court later decided in favor of such preferences). Do you agree with the Bush Admininstration, that such preferences should be abolished, or with the Supreme Court, that such preferences serve a good purpose? Please explain your answer.

9. Do you think the mainstream media (those media outlets that most Americans watch, read, or listen to) are generally liberal, conservative, or basically unbiased? If you can, please explain your answer.

10. In terms of your beliefs, do you consider yourself a conservative, a liberal, or something else? (if something else, please describe and/or provide a label for your political beliefs)

11. Finally, do you consider yourself a feminist? If so, why? If not, why not?