Lesson 5, Page 3
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Spelling Diatonic Half-Steps

To spell the note a diatonic half-step above a given note:

if the letter-name of the given note is then the note a diatonic half-step above is
E or B the next letter plus the sign of the given note
C, D, F, G, or A and the given note is
a flat note the next letter plus a double-flat
a natural note the next letter plus a flat
a sharp note the next letter
a double-sharp note the next letter plus a sharp

Drill and Practice: Diatonic Half-Step Above

To spell the note a diatonic half-step below a given note:

if the letter-name of the given note is then the note a diatonic half-step below is
C or F the previous letter plus the sign of the given note
D, E, G, A, or B and the given note is
a double-flat note the previous letter plus a flat
a flat note the previous letter
a natural note the previous letter plus a sharp
a sharp note the previous letter plus a double-sharp

Drill and Practice: Diatonic Half-Step Below
Drill and Practice: Diatonic Half-Steps

Drill and Practice: Half-Step Above
Drill and Practice: Half-Step Below
Drill and Practice: Half-Steps

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