His 3110 - Britain and the British Empire - Course Requirements

  1. An enhanced version of this syllabus is at http://ux1.eiu.edu/~nekey/syllabi/brit.htm. The readings should be done before and the book (esp. Equiano, Graves, or Wing) brought to class on the day listed. This might mean that you begin your reading well before days we discuss the source.
  2. Everyone will write three typed, double-spaced essays:
    1. one analyzing selected counties and their MPs during the unreformed period (1660-1832) (Presentation & 4 pages, 10%)
    2. one analyzing life in the Atlantic Empire using Equiano's Narrative (5-6 pages, 15%)
    3. an assessment of Graves's value as a source and historian, comparing Good-bye with The Times on one topic (5-6 pages, 15%)
    The essays should be typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, and use a clear and consistent form of referencing (see preferred citation guide, http://ux1.eiu.edu/~nekey/citate.htm). The essays should be focused and thoughtful.
  3. For exams you must purchase (about 29 cents each at the Union bookstore), sign, and turn in all three exam booklets one or before 12 Sept. There will be two mid-terms (12% each), and a final exam (15%). The mid-terms and final will consist of short-answer, identifications, short-essay comparisons, analysis of excerpts from the assigned primary sources, and related essay questions. Mapping and political narratives may either be included in mid-terms or separately as part of your participation grade (notice and particulars will be given). (Anyone with a documented disability should let me know the first week of class so that we can make appropriate accommodations.) The history department has graduate students available for tutoring (CH 2726). And do approach me for questions and clarifications.
  4. Participation (contribution to discussions in-class and online, occasional in-class writing/quizzes) is required, and includes one presentation on Unreformed Britain early in the course, and another on one aspect of British life during wartime using The Times/British Periodicals Online; and Wing's selection from Mass Observation at the end (15%). [The Wing/Mass Observation will also be the focus of one section of the final exam.] I use the following grade scale for tests/papers/participation and for your final grade.

British History Links | His 3110 syllabus | Office Hours

last updated on August 26, 2017