TTfîîîîæff næffÐnàÎÐ 1150 UCM labr/3/4ÿCWWPBOBO±ªÃ‹ºÀÏ Ýïïà íüüüüüüüüüìììììøýüüìììììü\ýüü²öü\ýüüøÿÿøöøü\üøüøÿýöÿöøýýüüÿöÿøÿ NEWTON'S SECOND LAW Part II: Circular Motion In this experiment we study F = ma as it applies to an object moving in a circle.  Before attaching the spring and the string, adjust R so that M is directly above the pointer. Now attach tCharles E. Miller, Jr."±ªÃ‹TEXT豪ËAuthTEXTê ClarisWorksTTf=÷äfTEXTpnot2STR >èÿÿ?n(êÿÿÿÿ=ô¿ôÿÿD?P€