Newton's Second Law,

F = ma

In the presence of a NET FORCE, an object experiences an ACCELERATION

  • directly proportional to the NET FORCE


  • inversely proportional to the MASS of the object.

Remember, though,

  • F is the NET force


  • m is the mass which that net force acts on.


We often turn this around and write it as

What are the UNITS of force in

F = m a

A force of ONE unit

will give an object of 1.0 kg mass

an acceleration of 1.0 m/s/s ;

this force is known as

ONE NEWTON (1.0 N) .

1 N = ( 1 kg ) ( 1 m/s/s )


F = m a

Force will be measured in newtons

A force of 1 N will give

a mass of 1 kg

an accelertion of 1 m/s/s.

1 N = ( 1 kg ) ( 1 m/s/s )

12 N = ( 3 kg ) ( 4 m/s/s )

A force of 12 N could give

a mass of 3 kg

an accelertion of 4 m/s/s

12 N = ( 2 kg ) ( 6 m/s/s )

A force of 12 N could give

a mass of 2 kg

an accelertion of 6 m/s/s .

If an object is in equilibrium--at rest--then, the net force on the object must be zero.

That is, the sum of all the forces on an object is zero when the object is in equilibrium.


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(c) 2002, Doug Davis; all rights reserved