Simple Pendulum

The net restoring force is

Fnet = - m g sin

- m g sin = m a

a = - g sin

And this is not exactly what we had for our prototype,

Fnet = - k x = ma

a = - ( k / m ) x

Or is it?

Look more closely at this sin :

sin = opp / hyp

sin = opp / hyp

sin = x / l

And for small angles, this is nearly equal to

sin = s / l

Now we have

a = - g sin


a = - g (s / l)


a = - ( g / l ) s

where s is the displacement from equilibrium.

So this simple pendulum is a SHO for small angular displacements!

Vertical Spring

Torsional Pendulum
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(c) 2005, Doug Davis; all rights reserved