Logging onto WebAssign

Creating an account - For the first time only:

  1. Open www.webassign.net in another tab or window, so you can still read these instructions.

  2. Click “I have a Class key” and enter one of the following:

  1. Select “I need to create a WebAssign account” and click “Continue”

  2. Use your EIU e-mail address, and enter your EIU E-number for the “Student ID number”.

  3. Your account is now created.

    To do your homework from now on:

Log into www.webassign.net , using the login ID and password you just created, and “eiu” as the institution name. Do not click “I have a Class key”. For the first couple of weeks, you will also need to select “continue my trial period” until I give you an access code in class.