Geography 3750
Spring Semester, 2008


Additional Guidelines for Term Project

Each student will complete a 7-8 page paper (double spaced, not including supporting materials) on an assigned topic.  In addition, each student will present his/her findings to the class in groups of three presenters (see below).  The project will be based on a report of one of the themes in population geography listed below.  Each student will “adopt” a country (or countries) to serve as a case study for their particular project. Students may choose to focus on the United States only as a secondary country in a comparison with another primary country. Please check with your co-presenters to make sure that you have all chosen a different country of focus. Please complete a proposal and have it approved by the instructor before you begin your project!


List of Project Themes:

-Global/Regional Mortality and Fertility Trends

-Migration and the Role of Remittances

-Migration and Impacts on Local/Regional Industries (i.e., agriculture, manufacturing, etc.)

-Urbanization and Population Growth

-Population Growth and the Environmental Consequences

-The Role of AIDS in Demographic Change

-Population Policies (i.e., China’s “one couple-one child” policy)

-Gender and Population: Cross-Cultural Analyses

-The “Graying” of the Developed World: Issues and Impacts


Final Research Project:  All papers must contain the following:

            Introduction: Tells me what to expect in your paper

Body of the text: Include headings, proper paragraphs, tables, figures and/or maps, and references to material borrowed from other authors, even if such material is not quoted directly.

Conclusion: Summarize your findings, ask pertinent questions related to the project,

discuss potential solutions and problems, and suggest new directions or approaches to the problem.

Bibliography: Include a full list of consulted material.  Consult the manual of your choice regarding proper citation form and use one format consistently.


Your paper should be type-written and thoroughly proof-read and corrected for proper content, style, grammar and organization.  Points will be deducted for sloppiness.  Do not depend solely on internet-derived material!  Please consult at least one book and one journal article and include them in your paper and bibliography, though you should include AT LEAST FIVE total sources (the textbook, class lecture material and videos shown in class are appropriate sources-make sure you cite them properly).

Oral Presentation:  The oral presentation provides an opportunity to share the findings of your research project to the class.  You can present your data in any way you choose including using overhead transparencies or power point slides.  Students will present in groups of three where each student will provide a 5-6 minute overview of his/her findings followed by some common conclusions. Class time will be provided later in the semester for students to coordinate their presentations.


Please see the instructor with any questions regarding the projects/oral presentations. If you deviate greatly from your approved proposal, please contact the instructor before continuing your project!